LinkedIn allows you to build content and leverage in your specific business domain and use some simple content strategies to utilise other people’s audience to grown your brand awareness.
As business owners, we all want to establish our credibility, develop a relationship with our clients, and be influential, right? When it comes to LinkedIn, you have the added capacity to position yourself among the most influential people within your industry. The sharing power is tremendous – making connections with top industry leaders and networking in groups to gain trust among your peers has never been easier. This enables you to associate yourself, and your business, with a high level of expertise and credibility that you just can’t gain from any other social media site.
Don’t just Post about your business
A lot of people make the mistake of only posting about their business. The problem with this is that viewers feel like you are constantly selling to them. A really powerful strategy is to find topical subjects that connect you to people using the platform. Yeah, you sell flowers in your florist shop but people don’t always want to see your products. Show them how you put arrangements and bouquets together. Show them how you get up at 3am to get your hands on the freshest flowers for your customers. On weekends things you do for recreation may be something that your followers also do. Things like this help to establish deeper connections.
Make a statement/ pose a question.
You are in a domain where professionals pride themselves on knowing the most, being right or being the best choice. Sometimes, the right statement or question can provoke engagement and discussions by relevant experts in your field. For example if your business targets senior execs why don’t you post content that gauges interest from their assistants? It’s one thing for you to come up in their feed, it’s a different game when their support staff suggest your services/info. By asking an open ended questions you get to see what others are thinking. Not only can this be useful content for later but you find potential new contact points of intellectual individuals.
Anticipate your communities needs.
Providing information your audience wants and finds helpful not only attracts comments and shares, but it’s also the third most common reason consumers decide to buy from a business. The better you know and understand the people you want to attract and interact with, the easier it is to share information they value.
And don’t think you have to create all of this information yourself. You can get great engagement from sharing content created by others too! Topical posts don’t always have to come from you but you can help spread the conversation by sharing the content through your LinkedIn page.
Attention grabbing, scroll-stopping
Creating content to grab attention can come in many flavours and really comes down to how well you know ‘your people’. This doesn’t need to be difficult either as you don’t need professional images, in fact studies have chosen people prefer more native content rather than highly edited, post-produced versions.
When it comes to images get into the habit of taking quick snaps on your phone that can be cropped later. Before you know it, you will have a unique gallery of amazing visuals you can use. To add some extra pizzazz or text on the go you can use one of the many phone apps available it really doesn’t matter which one you use. In fact I encourage you testing out as many as you can till you get comfortable with them.
For videos, unless you have resources for post production my recommendation is to use native video about 30 to 90 seconds long. If your stuck for ideas anything from your point of view, to a how-to, sharing findings from studies, opinion pieces, inspirational stories and more are great places to start. Again, use your network to help generate new ideas and share others videos as well.
Have you gone live?
LinkedIn lets you go-live and this can be one of the quickest ways to ramp up engagements. To get the most engagement possible make sure you let people know in advance when you will be going live and why so they can tune in! Doing a thorough job of or promoting your live sessions will also make sure you bring new people to your page who have never met you before.
Remember, what is at the canter of attracting more engagement on LinkedIn is being human and professional. The more human you and your business can be on LinkedIn the better results you’ll get.
So, what do you think? Do you have any tactics you’d like to add to this list? I’d love to know!
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